After a fabulous weekend on Sydney Harbour showing off this brand new Lagoon 42, Lets Dance, it was time to sail back to Pittwater. This particular Lagoon 42 is currently sold in our syndication. Our 6 excited owners are now in the process of having her handed over to them.

With expected westerly winds of 20-25kts it was definitely “in at the deep end” for Claire who had never sailed before.

Nicky Souter is the COBLI business manager and a professional sailor.  So she was definitely the right person to have onboard teaching Claire how to sail while Marnie lazed around and enjoyed simply being out of the office.

Turning at the heads into Pittwater, Claire wrapped up her first-ever sailing experience, commenting “That was amazing, a really good trip… bit windier than we expected for my first sail.  The boat felt really stable and I felt really comfortable. It’s really given me a taster for a lot more to come. It was brilliant.”

Ladies, take this as your sign to have a girls-only sailing trip!


New Lagoon 42 Sneak Peak

New Lagoon 42 Sneak Peak

To celebrate the arrival of the new Cobli Lagoon 42, John Cowpe hopped aboard the sister ship, detailing some of the main options to get existed about and to show off the interior and exterior upholstery and wood.

Lagoon 42 Key Features

Lagoon 42 Key Features

The Lagoon 42, “Spaceboy” is part of Cobli our syndication company – her 3-year program sees the vessel in the Whitsundays for 3 months over the winter.

Team members sailed from Tweed to Sydney to deliver the boat to its owners for summer.

Lagoon 42 Tweed to Sydney

Lagoon 42 Tweed to Sydney

The Lagoon 42, “Spaceboy” is part of Cobli our syndication company – her 3-year program sees the vessel in the Whitsundays for 3 months over the winter.

Team members sailed from Tweed to Sydney to deliver the boat to its owners for summer.